Keywords: Cognitive Neuroscience, Functional Neuroimaging, Learning, Plasticity, Numerical Cognition, Semantic Spaces, Navigation, Mental Arithmetic


Although structurally and functionally constrained, the human brain displays a high level of plasticity, which is most prominent during the first months and years of life, but persists throughout the lifespan. This is paired with our protracted ability to learn novel skills and acquire novel information. While most studies on brain plasticity focus on the acquisition of extremely simple sensory or motor skills, very little is known about the local and global changes that the brain undergoes while learning more complex, symbolic, culturally-mediated skills, such as reading or arithmetical calculation. There are two different ways in which we can learn to solve arithmetical calculations: via rote memorization of specific operand-result associations (e.g., 4 x 5 = 20), or via the automated use of strategies that emerge from deep understanding of arithmetic principles and number semantics (e.g., 4 x 5 = [4 x 10] / 2 = 20). Although these different learning regimes might result in equally effective learning (at least in the normal population), the neural circuitries that are involved and possibly show learning-related changes are likely to be substantially different. Our aim with this project is to investigate whether and how learning to solve novel arithmetical operations entail changes in the brain and whether different training regimes (strategy-based vs. memory-based) entail specific neuro-functional brain reorganizations. Gathering insights into the brain changes underlying arithmetic learning will be fundamental not only to understand normal functioning but also to interpret changes in normal aging and patterns of disruption in brain-damaged patients, and it may also help highlighting ways for improving teaching and rehabilitation programmes.


In a longitudinal fMRI study, we will acquire high resolution functional and structural brain MRI of two groups of young adults, both before and after an intensive training to solve novel arithmetical operations. The two groups will be matched for age, education, gender, and prior arithmetic competence. One group will undergo rote-memory training, the other strategy-based training. Both before and after training, subjects will undergo one MRI session (done through a 3T Siemens Prisma scanner and a 64 channel head radio frequency coil), which comprises the acquisition of anatomical scans, “task activity” fMRI scans, “resting state” fMRI scans, and DTI scans. Through these different approaches we should be able to reveal how different training regimes entail specific changes in local micro-structure as well as local and global activity and connectivity, both during task performance and during rest.

Current research:

At the Per2Con Group we are interested in the neurocognitive underpinnings of symbolic cognition.

Our research spans over two main areas: 

Math processing skills.

We study the ability that humans share with different species to extract and mentally represent discrete (number) and continuous (area, density) quantities from their physical environment. We test the hypothesis that these abilities play a key role in grounding formal symbolic maths.

Semantic processing skills

We study how the meaning of concrete words is constructed, stored and retrieved. We test the hypothesis that word meaning is an emergent property of the simultaneous re-activation of the features of the objects implied by words and that different features are integrated and represented in the brain as points in a low-dimensional space through a variety of grid-like, distance-dependent, and direction-specific codes previously associated with navigation in physical space.

Towards these goals we study human adults but also children with different cognitive skills (e.g. dyscalculics vs. typically developing) and infants from the first hours of life, combining psychophysics with neuroimaging. We also have the privilege to perform filed work investigating the effects of culture on the above mentioned cognitive skills studying adults and children from Amazonian and African indigenous traditional cultures.

Lab members:

NeuroTrain Group Leader:

Manuela Piazza

Post-Doc researches:

Marie Amalirc (Marie-Curie Fellow)

Paula Maldonado (EUREGIO Fellow)

Doctoral candidates:

Alireza Karami (CIMeC Departments of Excellence fellow)

Master candidates:


External collaborators:

Laura Zamarian (Medical University of Innsbruck; IPN Partner)

Demis Basso (Free University of Bolzano, Italy; IPN Partner)

Marco Zorzi (University of Padova, Italy)

Stanislas Dehaene (College de France, NeuroSpin Labs, France)

Evelyn Eger (NeuroSpin Labs, France)

Dan Hyde (University of Illinois, USA)


Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC)

Palazzo Fedrigotti

Corso Bettini n.31

38068 Rovereto (TN)

10 Selected publications:

Viganò, V. Rubino, M. Buiatti, and M. Piazza (2021). “The neural representation of absolute direction during mental navigation in conceptual spaces”. Communications Biology, 4 (1), 1-7.

Castaldi, M. Turi, S. Gassama, M. Piazza, and E. Eger (2020). “Excessive visual crowding effects in developmental dyscalculia”. Journal of Vision, 20(8):7.

Vigano’ and M. Piazza (2020). “Distance and direction codes underlie navigation of a novel semantic space in the human brain”. The Journal of Neuroscience, 40(13), 2727-2736.

Castaldi, M. Piazza, S. Dehaene, A. Vignaud, and E. Eger (2019). “Attentional amplification of neural codes for number independent of other quantities along the dorsal visual stream”. eLife 8, e45160.

Pinhero, M. Piazza, and S. Dehaene (2019). “Decoding the processing stages of mental arithmetic with magnetoencephalography”. Cortex 114, 124-139.

Borghesani, M. de Hevia, A. Viarouge, P. Pinheiro Chagas, E. Eger, and M. Piazza (2019). “Processing number and length in the parietal cortex: sharing resources, not a common code”. Cortex 114, 17-27.

Piazza, V. De Feo, S. Panzeri, and S. Dehaene (2018). “Learning to focus on number”. Cognition 181, 35-45.

Piazza, V. Izard, E. Spelke, P. Pica, and S. Dehaene (2013). “Education enhances the acuity of the pre-verbal approximate number system”. Psychological Science 24(6): 1037-1043.

Piazza, A. Facoetti, A.N. Trussardi, I. Berteletti, S. Conte, D. Lucangeli, S. Dehaene, and M. Zorzi (2010). ”Developmental trajectory of number acuity reveals a severe impairment  in developmental dyscalculia”. Cognition 116(1): 33-41.

M. Piazza, P.P inel, D. LeBihan, and S. Dehaene (2007). “A magnitude code common to numerosity and number symbols in human intraparietal cortex”. Neuron 53(2): 293-305.

Funding list:

2022-ongoing          EUREGIO/FWF IPN 135                            

2019-2023               Marie Curie Global Fellowship to Marie Amalric

2018-2020               CIMeC Grant for Post-Doc researcher

2012-2014               Fondation Bettencourt Grant

2012-2014               Marie Curie Pos-Doc Fellowship to Lola de Hevia

2013-2014               College de France scholarship for basic research

2011-2013               Fondation de France Grant for Post-Doc researcher